What is this study?
This is a survey study about how White parents talk to their 8-to 11-year-old children about race and racism. We are recruiting pairs of one parent with one child.
What does the study involve?
This is an online survey study carried out via Qualtrics. The parent will be asked to provide demographic information about your family, then the child will be asked to read and respond to short stories, then respond to measures about their perceptions of and beliefs about other people, and how their parent talk to them about other people. Then the parent will complete other measures on similar topics. The survey takes 30 minutes to complete.
Do I qualify to participate?
Participating parents must be non-Hispanic White with at least one child between the ages of 8 and 11.
Participating children must be non-Hispanic White and be between the ages of 8 and 11.
I qualify! How do I sign up?
Go to our brief demographic survey to confirm you and your child qualify to participate. You will receive an email from our research team within a few days with a link to the full study.